This is a personal bookmark site so that I have these links no matter where I am, or whose computer I am on.

However there are links to the right of the page that you might want to look at. 

The top one is a direct link to's Book of Mormon site where you can read the Book of Mormon on line. 

The other links are to places where you can buy the books whose images are displayed.  They are both books dealing with health and nutrition.

"What Doctors don't know about Nutritional Medicine" primarily focuses in on the proper use of vitamins. It also discusses the importance of proper diet and health habits (including exercise) in conjunction with vitamins.

The second one, "Healthy For Life", deals primarily with proper diet. Like the first book it discusses the importance of diet in conjunction with exercise and proper use of vitamins.

By applying the principles contained in these books, I lost about 40 lbs in a natural and healthy way.

Read Book of Mormon online

Picture of the Book of Mormon
Badge courtesy of Mormon Share

Ray Strand

The main focus of this book is the proper use of vitamins in conjunction with proper diet and exercise.

 Purchase at:

Barnes and Noble

Ray Strands Site


The main focus of the book is proper diet in conjunction with vitamins and exercise.

 Purchase at:

Barnes and Noble

Ray Strands Site